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About Me

Welcome to my Website! I am a final year PhD student in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at the University of St Andrews, working under the supervision of Dr Bernd Braunecker. My research concerns open system dynamics in strongly correlated quantum materials. To be specific, I am interested in examining the underlying mechanisms that drive memory effects between a quantum system and its environment, their resulting dynamical signatures, and the modulation of the latter subject to interactions within the environment.

My long-term aim with this website is for it to act as a catalogue of personal and professional projects, as well as to gain some experience in building one from scratch.

I received a 1st class MSci (Hons) in Theoretical Physics with Mathematics from Lancaster University in June 2020. My project, titled Many-Body Localisation Transitions in Disordered Quantum Systems Subject to Continuous Monitoring, which was carried out under the supervision of Dr Alessandro Romito and Professor Henning Schomerus in collaboration with Dr Marcin Szyniszewski, won the Research Academy Prize awarded in recognition of an outstanding research project in the graduating class of 2020.


Exact results, transient generalized Gibbs ensembles, and analytic approximations for spacetime propagators of massive, real scalar fields in one spatial dimension (2024)

T. Boorman and B. Braunecker


Diagnostics of entanglement dynamics in noisy and disordered spin chains via the measurement-induced steady-state entanglement transition (2022)

T. Boorman, M. Szyniszewski, H. Schomerus, and A. Romito

[PhysRevB.105.144202] [arXiv:2107.11354]

Internship Experience

I have internship experience, undertaken both prior to and during my undergraduate studies, working for high-tech companies in the field of printable electronic sensors and devices. My responsibilities were broad, from the fabrication and testing of devices to interactions with potential customers and suppliers. Please visit my LinkedIn profile for more details.